Friday, May 31, 2013

Tesla details Supercharger expansion, NYC to LA road trips possible by year's end

Tesla's perpetually free Supercharger station has already enabled the driving of about a million miles, totally free, to owners of the Model S sedan. However, availability of that network has been very limited. Unless you live in very specific areas of NY or CA, you've been out of luck. That's beginning to change. Following up on Elon Musk's D11 appearance, Tesla has announced that by the end of next month it will triple the size of the Supercharger network, covering crucial routes like Vancouver to Portland (with Seattle in between) and Dallas to Austin. New connection points will open in Illinois, Colorado, New York and, yes, California.

But wait, there's more. Within six months the network will spread further and, before the end of the year, Tesla promises you'll be able to drive from New York to Los Angeles in your Model S -- so long as you don't mind stopping for 20-minute recharges every couple-hundred miles. Finally, by mid-2014, Tesla promises its network will "stretch across the continent" and cover "almost the entire population of US and Canada." (Sorry, Hawaii.) PR and video featuring more details after the break.

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Source: Tesla


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Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Creative Class | David Collins, Interior Architect - BoF - The ...

LONDON, United Kingdom ? ?I think that the irony of me designing stores is that my first job as a student was at Harrods and I only got it to get the staff discount. I had seen a documentary on television about Harrods when I was still living in Dublin and thought ?Oh, I?m going to apply there so I can buy nice clothes.? Indeed, a few decades later David Collins is a highly sought-after architect and interior designer and counts the iconic department store in Knightsbridge amongst his clients.

Since he founded his firm, David Collins Studio, in 1985, Collins made his name designing some of London?s most celebrated drinking and eating venues, including Piccadilly brunch institution The Wolseley and a number of luxurious hotel bars, including the shimmering Connaught. He has also designed hotel and restaurant interiors as well as private residences everywhere from Cape Town to Bangkok.

Alexander McQueen at Bal Harbor

Alexander McQueen at Bal Harbor

But lately, Collins has been increasingly in demand among an international set of blue-chip clients from the world of fashion, including Bergdorf Goodman, Milanese heritage brand Larusmiani and Alexander McQueen. And, just today luxury footwear brand Jimmy Choo has announced that it has enlisted David Collins Studio to come up with a new concept for its global fleet of stores, to be unveiled in Beverly Hills next year.

Collins grew up in Dublin, ?reading fashion reports in the Irish papers.? One of his earliest memories is of colour, ?I remember sleeping in a pale blue room and loving the colour of the room.? And from a young age, he was a precocious design geek, perusing books of glamorous black-and-white photographs of golden-age Hollywood stars at his local library when he was only nine years old.

?I understood that something that is done really simply but beautifully can become very interesting. It is difficult to explain rationally why, but has something to do with the sense that I get when I look at a piece of lacquer, whether it is a sprayshop [job] or the result of 27 individually applied layers of colour each one left to dry for 72 hours before the next application? Or if I look at a piece of Chanel jewellery, it?s just leaded glass that?s got a pearlescent paint colour on it,? but since I was a kid, I find all of that fascinating. I don?t know why, but I do.?

Collins? early affinity for colour and gleaming surfaces that conceal a complex understory have remained a constant influence throughout his career. In fact, the luminosity he discovered in photography books and cinema are evident in his interior-design work, which tends to have a varnished, jewel-box quality, often enriched with layered textures and unusual patterns. The colour blue, in particular, is of recurrent significance in Collins? design lexicon as well as in his personal wardrobe. ?People tease me that everything I wear is another iteration of exactly the same thing.?

He studied architecture at the Bolton Street School of Architecture. ?It seemed something creative that didn?t take a great deal of hard work to get by on.? But after practising for a couple of years, Collins fell into interior design by accident, when someone asked him to design their house the day after he had quit his secure day-job. ?It happened by lucky happenchance, there was nothing planned about it. I knew nothing about fabrics or paint. But while I got into this second career by accident, it started with a momentum that has never stopped.?

Blue Bar at the Berkeley

Blue Bar at the Berkeley

As he rose to the top of his profession with landmark projects like the Blue Bar at the Berkeley and Claridge?s Bar, Collins says he has challenged himself with every new project ?I always tell myself, if I am going to do this job, how can I make it more interesting or make it different, that?s what has driven my career. And sometimes I try something that Miuccia Prada inspired me to do, which is I transport myself into a more difficult place and say ?what if chromium yellow was my favourite colour, how would I do that?? Because sometimes you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone in order to be creative.?

Similarly, he is not afraid of deliberately upending conventions of taste, ?When I first started working, the epitome of bad taste was gold taps, that?s how you summed up bad taste. So in a lot of the early work I did, I used a lot of gold leaf because I thought, ?Well, why is that bad taste? It?s only bad taste because someone has decided that chrome is cool.? It?s quite challenging to change your perceptions.?

The second floor of Collins? Fulham, London, studio is a beehive of activity, with 50 to 60 people working in different teams: residential, hotel, retail and residential,? ?The better your team, the better chance you have to get the job done right. You must have the best artisans, the best contractors, and the best people to bring it in on time and on budget. We are a results-driven business, to us if a store is late it?s a big problem.?

Indeed the designer ? whose work involves extensive prototyping of materials, treating materials in an interesting way or hand-dyeing materials ? works with many craftsmen around the globe to achieve his famously perfectionist visions. Collins might like the design on a plate or a detail of a painting and have it blown up and turned into a silk carpet, or have a fabric hand-crocheted for a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture. ?I make completely impractical things.? Consequently, every project is a logistical feat, as at any give time, Collins? studio might be working with manufacturers and artisans in Britain, Italy and Nepal.

As a big part of his job is to review, edit and check on things, Collins is big on to-do lists and on writing things down, most often in the little Herm?s ?Globetrotter? notebooks he has been using for years. ?In the middle of the night I may think about how to cut up a fabric. And because I think very numerically, sometimes if I?m looking for ideas, I?ll just think of a list of 27 random things and write them down.?

But he makes it very clear that being an interior designer isn?t just about brainstorming and choosing fabrics. ?My job is about managing expectations, planning financials, running a business. Designing is easy, getting things built is quite complicated. We?re building huge projects on the other side of the world, it?s quite challenging to deliver those things and requires a lot of resilience and thinking.?

Because of his stature in the field, Collins? services come at no small cost to his clients, a price-tag he sees as an investment in their brands. ?People can say that people like Peter Marino and I are expensive, but I think the value we return on businesses is undeniable.?

?The design business is a business that can be a model for losing money, because your ego can cause you to overdeliver. In a way, the better I do my job the less money I make. To get things looking good means going back and endlessly refinishing refining things, and that costs money. So you have to manage your ego and expectations.?

In collaboration with the label?s creative director Sarah Burton, Collins is responsible for the new look for Alexander McQueen stores that is being gradually rolled out around the world, from Bal Harbour and Shanghai, both unveiled last year, to the New York flagship that is set to open on Madison Avenue this summer. ?I don?t go to many fashion shows but I had been to almost all the McQueen shows in Paris, so I really understood the almost fetishistic attention to detail and to reinterpreting the human form that is in the brand?s DNA.?

Collins used his expertise with materials and forms to translate the house?s specific vocabulary into a retail concept. ?Lee McQueen started off in Savile Row as a serious cutter, so I wanted to take a material that could be as pliable as fabric and that you could drape in the same way. I decided to work in plaster to create these panels that are inspired by foliage, feathers, vertebrae, wings and bones and form the backdrop to the store.?

?Lee was also quite obsessed with the woman?s waist and I wanted to express that silhouette?and in the end we did it through the ceilings which were really complicated to design.? Similarly, the fractured appearance of the marble floor at the Shanghai boutique is informed by a corset that Burton had made out of porcelain, then shattered into a thousand little shards and finally meticulously assembled back together.

But apart from such painstaking refinement, designing a luxury retail environment comes with its own unique set of practical challenges. ?We have to tap into a palette that looks uniquely correct for the brand but at the same time doesn?t look anodyne. Moreover the store has to be something that can evolve with four collections a year. So even though the detail of the store is quite obsessive, it has to unfold very gradually. The store becomes more and more complex the closer you look.?

?We have to understand how the garments are going to be hung, how they?re going to be folded, how they?re going to be merchandised, how they?re going to be lit and, decide, from the beginning, ?do we see this as an accessories store or do we see this as a clothing store.? In the end, we?ve had to create something that is strong enough to be uniquely McQueen but commercial enough that it can be merchandised.?

After so many years in the business, Collins has no shortage of advice for students dreaming of designing beautiful interiors for a living. ?Go and work for a really good firm, it?s quite a lonely business being an interior designer, it?s quite overwhelming if you?re on your own. And when I was starting out it wasn?t even as demanding as it is now,? he says. ?A turning point for me was when I stopped listening to what people wanted and they started listening to what I wanted. It?s often the jobs you say no to that make your career.?

Editor?s Note: This article was revised on 30 May, 2013. An earlier version of this article misstated that a corset made out of porcelain that informed the fractured appearance of the marble floor at Alexander McQueen?s Shanghai boutique was designed by the founder of the house. It was not. The corset was from the Autumn/Winter 2011 collection designed by Sarah Burton.


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New Android apps worth downloading: Sliding Messaging update, doubleTwist with Magic Radio, Rock Stars vs. Paparazzi

First up today is Sliding Messaging, a text message management app that includes lots of customization. Following is doubleTwist with Magic Radio, a music player that combines all the audio functions you need on Android. Ending today's picks is Rock Stars vs. Paparazzi, a Plants vs. Zombies-like game in which you deploy rabid fans to defend your rock stars against photographers.

What?s it about? Slide Messaging provides a text message management app with an easy, sleek slide-based interface.

What?s cool? As the name suggests, Sliding Messaging is based on an interface that uses sliding as one of its major control methods. You'll access menus for your text messages by sliding your finger across the screen, allowing you to quickly manage your messages, start new conversations, and reply to text messages with the help of pop-ups. The app supports features such as emoji and includes eight different themes from which you can choose, as well as handy things like quick message templates. The app just got a big layout rework with its latest update, among a few other useful bits of customization.

Who?s it for? If you're in the market for a new messaging app that you can customize a bit, try Sliding Messaging.

What?s it like? Both Smart SMS and Chomp SMS are useful alternatives to your standard text messaging apps.

What?s it about? All-in-one music player doubleTwist acts like an iPod for your Android, bringing in all the audio-playing app services you might have spread around into one place.

What?s cool? If you use your Android device to listen to a lot of different stuff, it probably means you need a lot of different apps ? one for podcasts, one for Internet radio, and so on. DoubleTwist brings all those different functions into a single app, allowing you to listen to streaming radio, sync music from your computer's music library, subscribe to podcasts and a lot more. The app also just got a big update that brings it a new Holo layout, and landscape view to every screen, as well.

Who?s it for? Anybody who does a lot of audio listening with their Android devices should try using doubleTwist.

What?s it like? PlayerPro Music Player and MixZing Media Player should give users more options for playing audio.

What?s it about? Tower defense-esque title Rock Stars vs. Paparazzi has players placing forces on one side of the screen to fight off approaching photographers on the other.

What?s cool? Much like Plants vs. Zombies, Rock Stars vs. Paparazzi is a strategy game that's all about how players deploy their forces. The game gives you a stock of enamored fans for your rock star character to command, spreading them out into lanes on the screen so they can fight off the approaching photographers. Which fans you use where is key to victory, as they all have different weapons and abilities, and strengths and weaknesses against different enemies. The game includes 40 different levels to play through and 10 different fans at your disposal for defense.

Who?s it for? Rock Stars vs. Paparazzi should appeal to strategy fans looking for a light take on the genre.

What?s it like? Check out Stars vs. Paparazzi, a slightly different take on the same material, and Plants vs. Zombies, the game from which both take a lot of inspiration.

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Space station astronauts snap amazing photos of Alaskan volcanic eruption

Pavlof Volcano has been erupting for over a week, releasing a humongous plume of ash, steam, and smoke visible from the International Space Station. The eruption has quieted down, but seismic data suggests that it's not over.

By Liz Fuller-Wright,?Correspondent / May 24, 2013

Space station astronauts captured this picture of Pavlof Volcano on Saturday.

Courtesy of the ISS Expedition 36 crew / NASA


Astronauts on the International Space Station?captured jaw-dropping pictures of a volcanic eruption last Saturday. Since then, the volcano has been hidden from sight, shrouded in thick clouds.

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Pavlof Volcano has been belching ash and spewing lava since May 13, when tremors and rising surface temperatures gave way to fountains of molten rock bursting from the volcano's north flank.

When that lava hit ice and snow, it created explosive steam clouds that could be seen for dozens of miles ? and photographed from space. The steam, ash, and gas plumes have climbed over 20,000 feet into the sky, and left a grey streak stretching for a hundred miles.

Prior to last week, Pavlof hadn't erupted since 2007.

Is it over?

Pavlof has been playing it cool for the past few days, reports the Alaska Volcano Observatory, which celebrated its 25th?anniversary last month.

Though the ash eruptions have disrupted local air travel, the violence seems to have subsided for now, with a more relaxed release of ash and lava continuing steadily. Even through the clouds hiding Pavlof from sight, satellites can measure high surface temperatures indicating that the lava is still flowing.

After about a week of steady seismic rumbles,?the shaking calmed down on Tuesday morning and hasn't restarted, though a huge seismic blast this morning suggests that Pavlof had another volcanic explosion ? but through the clouds, it's hard to know just what or where.

The scientists at Alaska Volcano Observatory have the volcano threat level set at "Watch," which is one step down from the highest level, "Warning." But they caution that massive explosions ? like the one that created that giant, 20,000-foot plume ? can occur without warning.

The Aleutian Islands are sparsely enough settled that the primary hazard from volcanoes like Pavlof is that airborne ash could endanger planes flying between North America and Asia. In fact, in 1989, a wide-body passenger jet encountered an ash plume from Redoubt, another Alaska volcano, and lost power in all four engines.?Fortunately for the passengers, after the plane plummeted two miles in five minutes, the crew restarted the engines and landed safely in Anchorage, about a hundred miles away.

Why did Pavlof erupt?

Like the rest of the Aleutian Islands (and, for that matter, the Cascades), Pavlof sits on the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American plate. When the dense ocean floor runs into the less-dense continental crust, its weight pulls it down into the mantle, where the heat and pressures make it start to melt.

When rock melts, magma forms ? and when magma reaches the earth's surface, it erupts as lava. The more water or gases were trapped in the magma, the more explosive the eruption will be.

Though scientists know exactly how volcanoes form, volcanologists can't yet predict eruptions. But they've made huge strides, thanks to regular monitoring of hundreds of active volcanoes around the world.

Volcano monitoring became a political punching bag in 2009, after Louisiana's Gov. Bobby Jindal highlighted it as "wasteful spending" in the Republican response to President Obama's State of the Union address. "Instead of monitoring volcanoes, what Congress should be monitoring is the eruption of spending in?Washington, D.C.," said Mr. Jindal. The eruption of Redoubt Volcano a month later ? the same volcano that had nearly crashed a passenger jet in 1989 ? was seen by some as a definitive response, but video monitoring shrunk in recent years due to budget pressures and the sequester.

Alaska's 52 active volcanoes once had 200 working seismic instruments. Now 80 of those instruments have fallen into disrepair and can?t be fixed because of the USGS budget cuts, the Associated Press reported last week. That means that five of Alaska's 52 active volcanoes aren?t monitored electronically at all, and the number could rise if more instruments go without maintenance.


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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Finance Business Loans | A Ezbukz Blog For Financial Help

? May 28, 2013Posted in: consumer finance help

Homeowner loan is a best option open to most home owners. These are secured loans as the home equity is used as a collateral to raise loans. Secured loans are typically for larger amounts or for those with a poor credit rating. There are many reasons why people apply for a secured loan, these are mainly for debt consolidation reasons or for home improvements.

A loan company would be risking the loan repayment, by providing large loan amount. In order to reduce the risk factor and have some insurance for their capital, they hold the collateral till the loan repayment is made by the borrower. Such secured loans involve no risks of repayment for a lender due to this, he offers such loans at a lower APR(Annual Percentage Rate) to a borrower. Both, the lender and the homeowner are at an advantage with such secured loans.

Key to finding a cheap loan is the tied up equity in home!

Moreover, the loan terms are stretched for a longer period of time,typically 3 to 25 years and allows one to raise a huge amount loan as high as 2,50,000. Typically, a lender offers a percentage of the value of house, with some even going as high as 125% of home s value.

Advantages for the borrower: secured homeowner loans have numerous benefits for the consumer as well. These have

Easy terms and conditions Small monthly instalments Low interest rates Long repayment term

Owning a house carries a great advantage as every lender prefers to deal with the person owning a house and also willing to place it as collateral against the loan amount. Usually, the financial market provides number of homeowner loans but the most cheap and affordable source is secured loan for homeowners.



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StanChart Kenya pretax profit falls in first quarter

NAIROBI (Reuters) - Standard Chartered Bank of Kenya posted a 16 percent drop in pretax profit for the first quarter to 2.73 billion shillings, it said on Tuesday.

The bank, controlled by Standard Chartered Plc, said total operating expenses increased by about 400 million shillings, driven by higher staff costs and loan-loss provisions.

Basic earnings per share fell to 6.06 shillings from 7.79 shillings a year ago, the bank said, adding that the outlook for the rest of the year was positive.

"We remain confident in the outlook for the business as we expect ... momentum to pick (up) pace, especially as the uncertainties around the elections are now behind us," Chief Executive Richard Etemesi said in a statement.

Optimism about east Africa's biggest economy has risen since the country held a peaceful presidential poll in March, in contrast with the violence-riddled poll of five years ago when more than 1,200 people died.

Standard Chartered Bank of Kenya's net interest income edged up 2 percent to 3.7 billion shillings, while non-interest income fell 9 percent to 1.7 billion shillings, due to the absence of last year's income from the sale of government securities.


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First passengers back in U.S. after cruise ship fire

BALTIMORE (AP) ? The first passengers from a Royal Caribbean cruise that was cut short by a fire have arrived back in Baltimore on a charter flight.

Many are praising the crew's handling of the emergency and say they'd be eager to take another Royal Caribbean cruise.

Rebecca Killinger of Carlisle, Pa., says she had no idea how extensive the fire was until the ship got into dock. She says the captain and crew were calm and forthcoming throughout the ordeal, even cracking jokes to lighten the mood. The cruise was her first and she says she'd be happy to take to the seas again.

The 2,200 passengers are being flown into Baltimore on charter planes. The first, carrying more than 100 people, arrived shortly before 1 p.m. Tuesday.


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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Peter Molyneux's Curiosity cube is now open, contents still a mystery

After seven months of cooperative tapping, Peter Molyneux's Curiosity experiment is finally over: the cube is open. As Molyneux's studio, 22Cans, teased the game's last layer over Twitter, players descended upon it, chipping away the last million cubelets in a matter of minutes. "We have a winner," the game's creator wrote on the social network. "They should get a message now." 22Cans is currently trying to validate the player who tapped away the final block. After the final block disappeared, so did the cube, presumably to be opened privately by the winner. So, what was inside the box? We may never know -- but if you just happened to win, fill us in, would you?

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Source: 22Cans


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Monday, May 27, 2013

Obama visits Oklahoma town digging out after tornado

By Jeff Mason

MOORE, Oklahoma (Reuters) - President Barack Obama arrived in Moore, Oklahoma, on Sunday to tour the town that was hammered last week by a powerful tornado that killed 24 people and assure its residents that the federal government would provide long-term help.

His first stop was Plaza Towers Elementary School, where seven children died and several students and teachers were injured by the May 20 afternoon storm.

Piles of boards, brick and cinder blocks that used to be buildings and houses lined the side of the street. Rare items that survived the disaster - a television set, a pink baby carriage - stood in contrast to the wreckage.

Cars with their bodies dented and windows smashed lay under debris or twisted on their sides. Rising above the wasteland were at least three American flags that had been attached to the rubble, waving in the wind.

"The president's message is that support is not winding down," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Air Force One. "As demonstrated by our efforts in Tuscaloosa, in Joplin, and those communities in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey that were affected by Sandy, we'll be standing with the people of these resilient communities as they come back stronger than ever."

Obama has been repeatedly called on in recent months to comfort shaken U.S. communities, from a visit last month to Boston in the wake of the marathon bombings, to Newtown, Connecticut, the site of a December mass school shooting.

Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and Joplin, Missouri, were hard-hit by tornadoes two years ago.

The Moore tornado, which rated the most powerful on the five-step scale used to measure the destructive power of twisters, ripped a 17-mile (27-km) long corridor of destruction through the suburb of Oklahoma City, flattening entire blocks of homes, two schools and a hospital in some 50 minutes on May 20.

It was the most powerful of a spate of 76 twisters that touched down in 10 states from May 18 through 20, causing an estimated $2 billion to $5 billion in insured losses, according to disaster modeling company Eqecat.

Some 377 people were injured by the Moore tornado, the deadliest such windstorm to hit the United States in two years.

(Additional reporting by Heide Brandes; Writing by Scott Malone; Editing by Sandra Maler)


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Kerry presses Egypt on economic reform, says aid depends on it

By Arshad Mohammed

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry urged Egypt to act swiftly on economic reforms to secure a $4.8 billion International Monetary Fund loan, saying the measures were needed to get further aid from the U.S. Congress, an American official said.

Kerry met Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi for about an hour on the sidelines of an African Union summit on Saturday, discussing Syria's civil war, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, human rights in Egypt and the country's faltering economy, the official said.

Egypt's Islamist-led government has been resistant to introducing the austerity measures needed to win the IMF funding, including raising taxes and cutting fuel subsidies, fearing such painful reforms could provoke social unrest.

However, an IMF deal could help shore up investor and donor concerns after two years of political instability since the overthrow of former president Hosni Mubarak in early 2011. The instability has depressed tourism, a crucial industry for Egypt.

The U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Kerry had made the argument that the reforms were necessary to persuade American lawmakers to proceed with further economic support for the country, which borders U.S. ally Israel.

"He urged action on making reforms happen now to move towards requirements to get the IMF package," the official said.

During his first visit to Cairo as secretary of state, on March 3, Kerry told Mursi the United States would provide the first $190 million of $450 million in pledged budget support because of Mursi's commitment to see the IMF process through.

The remainder, however, would depend on the economic reforms, a point Kerry made again in the Ethiopian capital.

"He said ... we need to be able to show Congress that you have taken the necessary reforms," said the official. "I have been a strong advocate of support for Egypt. I continue to support aid for Egypt, but ... we need to see reforms in place that will encourage my former colleagues back at home to act."

Kerry served in the U.S. Senate for nearly 30 years before becoming the country's top diplomat on February 1.

Egypt has in recent years received about $1.3 billion in military aid from Washington, support that dates back to its signing of a peace treaty with Israel more than 30 years ago. That assistance, however, is not seen as contingent on Egyptian economic reform.


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Sky's Apps Have Been Hacked And Are Off Google Play

The British Sky Broadcasting Group has removed their Android apps (Sky News, Sky Go, Sky+ and Sky Wi-Fi) from Google Play because of concerns that the Syrian Electronic Army has hacked the apps. Sky is advising users to delete the apps while they respond to the problem.




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'Zulu' At Cannes: Forest Whitaker Film Closes The Film Festival

CANNES, France -- Academy award-winner Forest Whitaker turns in a solid performance as a cop searching for the murderer of a white teenager in the movie "Zulu," a violent and often shocking portrayal of South African gang culture where traces of apartheid still linger.

The film premiered at the close of the Cannes Film Festival on Sunday and is directed by "Largo Winch'"s Jerome Salle, co-starring Orlando Bloom as a free-wheeling white officer, as well as South African actor Conrad Kemp.

As a child, Whitaker's character Ali narrowly escaped being murdered by Inkhata, a militant political party at war with Nelson Mandela's anti-apartheid ANC. Now, as chief of Cape Town's homicide branch, his quest to bring the perpetrator to justice leads him on a path that uncovers the unhealed wounds of post-apartheid South Africa.

"Zulu'"s explcit, and, at times even gratuitous, depiction of violence and inter-human relations, paints a highly cynical picture of post-colonial Cape Town, one in which authorities are corrupt and vigilante justice is king.

Whitaker won the Oscar for his mesmerizing portrayal of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in 2006's "The Last King of Scotland," and is known for adopting a method-acting approach to his roles. In preparation for "Zulu," he met with real-life Zulu gang members ? some just out of prison ? and went inside local communities to immerse himself in the character who suffers personal tragedies both in childhood and as an adult.

"I met the actual gang members from the different communities: the Zulu gang leaders, and the different members out of the prisons... I find that it helps to find the source of the character," the actor said.

"The violent crimes unit took me around quite a bit ... which helped me understand what it was like to be around the townships," he said, adding that he also learned Zulu and Afrikaans in the weeks up to filming.

Though the film's barbaric depiction of torture and murder has been panned by some critics as too showy ? severed heads, rapes and graphic mutilations ? Whitaker said the film is accurate in its portrayal of gangland violence.

"There were a number of "necklacings" in Khayelitsha, even while we were there," said Whitaker, referring to the shocking method of summary execution and torture carried out by forcing a rubber tire, filled with petrol, around a victim's chest and arms, and setting it on fire.

"There is that bubbling undercurrent exploding in different ways," he added, saying that while filming in South Africa he saw communities losing faith with local law enforcement and taking justice into their own hands. This mirrors very closely the denouement of the film, where Ali is gripped by thirst for revenge and bloody personal justice.

In preparation for the role, "I was dealing with officers, and people in the community were saying: "They're not listening to us. They're not helping us. They're allowing people to do these horrible things in our neighborhood. We have to take charge. We are the elders of this community, and we are not going to allow certain things to happen."

"And where does all that come from? Where is the pain that brings out these things? I think that's what's going to have to be addressed," he said.

Conrad Kemp, the film's only South African actor, said vigilante justice is widespread in the country, and linked to people thinking that regular justice is simply failing them.

For Whitaker, however, the real picture is not as bleak as the film might make out. He said slow, apartheid-related forgiveness is occurring.

It's related to the history of colonialization ? "those issues which have to do partly with forgiveness and being able to move forward," the actor said.

"It is slow ... (but) the continent is full of potentiality, it's growing, it's changing, it's moving."


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Sunday, May 26, 2013

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Infographic: Student Loan Debt & Number of Student Loan Accounts ...

May 25th, 2013

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In this week?s infographic, we are comparing generations again. This time, we focus on student loan debt and the number of open accounts each age group has. Scroll down to see the results.


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Amy Leone is the Public Relations Coordinator at Credit Karma. Before joining the team in June 2012 she spent most of her career as a TV news producer. When she?s not helping promote Credit Karma on a variety of media outlets, she?s probably out running or exploring her new state of California.

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Angel Flight crashes in NY, 2 killed, 1 missing

EPHRATAH, N.Y. (AP) ? The crash of a volunteer Angel Flight in upstate New York that killed at least two people is under investigation, and the search for the missing pilot is ongoing, authorities said.

Fulton County Sheriff Thomas Lorey said the flight's two passengers were found dead near where the twin-engine plane crashed in a wooded area in Ephratah, about an hour west of Albany. He said the search for the pilot will continue Saturday morning. Officials did not immediately identify the passengers or pilot.

"The bulk of the plane is in the water, in a pond, completely submerged and we have to wait until daylight to put divers in," the sheriff said.

The twin-engine Piper PA 34 departed from Hanscom Field in Bedford, Mass., and was headed to Rome, N.Y., before it crashed just after 5 p.m. Friday, Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said.

Angel Flight is a nonprofit group that arranges free air transportation for sick patients from volunteer pilots. Larry Camerlin, president and founder of Angel Flight Northeast, said the organization was "tremendously saddened" by the tragic news of the crash.

"We all offer our thoughts and prayers to the families of those affected," Camerlin said in a statement. "Our volunteer pilots are the most compassionate and generous individuals who donate their time, aircraft and fuel to transport patients and loved ones for free to essential medical care that would otherwise not be readily available to them. There are no words that can adequately express our sorrow."

An employee at an ice cream shop in nearby Johnstown who refused to give her name said she heard what sounded like engine failure and then a loud explosion, "like a gun shot."

She said she went outside and "there were pieces of airplane coming out of the sky."

The FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board will investigate the crash, including what the weather conditions were like at the time of the accident.

At the time of the crash, in Rome, N.Y., visibility was 10 miles, there was slight rain and winds of about 13 to 14 mph, according to National Weather Service meteorologist Brian Montgomery.

Angel Flight Northeast said since it was founded in 1996 the group has set up free air transportation and medical care for more than 65,000 children and adults on about 60,000 flights covering a total of more than 12 million miles.


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Lenovo hopes to sell smartphones in the US within a year

Lenovo hopes to sell smartphones in the US within a year

While Lenovo is one of the fastest-rising smartphone makers today, many Americans wouldn't know it when the company has never officially sold handsets in the country. They might soon be well acquainted, according to CEO Yang Yuanqing: he wants Lenovo to be selling smartphones in the US within a year's time. Mobile is the firm's next growth machine, he tells the Wall Street Journal, and that entails having smartphones in big markets beyond China, India and Russia. Yang is under no illusions that Lenovo can simply waltz into the fiercely competitive US market, but he also doesn't see much choice -- when the PC market is slowing down, business as usual may not be enough.

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Source: Wall Street Journal


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Friday, May 24, 2013

Death penalty reprieve in Colorado: what it could mean for James Holmes

Colorado Gov. Hickenlooper called off the execution of a death row inmate, firing up the death penalty debate and potentially complicating the prosecution of alleged Aurora shooter James Holmes.

By Ryan Lenora Brown,?Correspondent / May 23, 2013

Accused Aurora movie theater shooter, James Holmes (2nd from r.) is shown in this courtroom artist sketch listening to his legal team during hearing in Centennial, Colo., May 13.

Bill Robles/Reuters


Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has called off the execution of one of the state?s three death row inmates, churning new debate over the wrenching issue of capital punishment as the state prepares for the trial next year of accused Aurora movie theater shooter James Holmes.

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?Our system of capital punishment is imperfect,? he told reporters gathered Wednesday outside the state capitol. ?There?s inherent inequity at a level of punishment that really does demand perfection.? ??

In an executive order granting a ?temporary reprieve? to Nathan Dunlap, who was convicted of murdering four people in a suburban Denver restaurant in 1993, the governor wrote that ?death is not handed down fairly? in the state and cited national and international trends toward abolition of the practice.

The death penalty is an issue that Governor Hickenlooper, a Democrat, has dodged deftly until now ? and with good reason. For a governor who ran as a moderate in 2010, he has already been dragged leftward on a laundry list of social issues: the legalization of marijuana, civil unions, and, most visibly, gun control. That?s caused rising unease in a state that, while recently slanting leftward, retains a strong conservative base.?

Now, with Wednesday?s executive order, which will be in force unless revoked by another executive order, the governor has set himself up for an emotional confrontation with conservatives in next year?s gubernatorial race.

Republican Attorney General John Suthers, echoing sentiments?expressed by many prominent conservatives in the state, said in a statement that Hickenlooper ?has proven to be uncomfortable confronting the perpetrators of evil in our society.?

The governor's announcement also circles back to what has become one of the most unexpected political challenges of his term in office: the aftermath of last summer?s Aurora shooting.

Although his order was specifically targeted at Mr. Dunlap, it will throw a wrench into the prosecution of Mr. Holmes, says Karen Steinhauser, a former prosecutor and Colorado defense attorney. ?

?When the prosecution seeks the death penalty, they need to be able to say to the victims and to themselves that there is a real likelihood the execution they?re seeking will take place,? she says. ?Now that notion is in limbo.?

Like many states, Colorado balances in a shadowy no-man?s land on the death penalty issue. The practice is technically legal, but has only been used once since 1967. In March, the Colorado House of Representative's Judiciary Committee voted against a repeal of the practice after the governor implied that he would veto the bill.

In granting Dunlap a reprieve, however, Hickenlooper noted that his decision was based on the ethical implications of the death penalty in general.

?My decision to grant a reprieve to Offender No. 89148 is not out of compassion or sympathy for him or any other inmate sentenced to death,? he wrote. ?It is a legitimate question about whether we as a state should be taking lives."

The governor also cited the ?arbitrary nature? of who receives a death sentence in the state. Of the three men who currently sit on Colorado?s death row, all were convicted of murders in a single Denver suburb, Aurora, which was also the site of Holmes? alleged rampage last July. ?

In many ways, the governor?s reprieve for Mr. Dunlap simply holds the status quo. He is not calling for the abolition of the death penalty, experts note, nor is he even granting Dunlap permanent clemency. If Hickenlooper is ousted from his seat in next year?s election, the next governor is free to reverse his decision on the case.

At the same time, the reprieve will likely be a deterrent to future death penalty prosecutions in the state, says Sam Kamin, a University of Denver law professor who coauthored a study on the death penalty cited by the governor in his executive order.

Hickenlooper?s action, he says, ?makes clear that Colorado will not be executing anyone anytime soon.?


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Viggo Mortensen to receive Dennis Hopper Award at AMFM Fest

By Steve Pond

LOS ANGELES ( - Viggo Mortensen will receive the fourth annual Dennis Lee Hopper Award at this year's inaugural AMFM Fest in California's Coachella Valley, Film 4 Change announced on Thursday.

Mortensen, an actor, writer, poet and visual artist, will receive the award at a ceremony in the desert town of Cathedral City on June 16, on the final day of the four-day festival that draws its name from the phrase "Art, Music, Film and More." His art will also be exhibited at the fest, which will include a screening of the Alex Kleinert documentary "Wild Horses and Renegades," in which Mortensen appears.

"Dennis believed that to be an artist, you had to embrace all the arts," Film 4 Change and AMFM Fest co-director Robert Galarza told TheWrap. "Viggo has his photography, painting, writing, poetry and philosophical musings in addition to his acting ability, and he has no great ego as an artist. He allows the art to move through him like a vessel, which is how Dennis saw the world."

The award honors artists who work in a number of fields and also advocate for social change. The first award was presented to Hopper posthumously in 2010 at the Albuquerque Film Festival. Subsequent honorees were Dean Stockwell and director Alex Cox.

Galarza and co-director Rich Henrich also announced the addition of the award-winning, Joshua Tree-based rock group Gram Rabbit to the AMFM Fest's music lineup, as well as the Venice Beach-based group Terraplane Sun.

"We came up in the spirit of the original South by Southwest," said Heinrich, "and we want to create a festival that has established headliners but also a large number of unsigned acts."

The AMFM Fest will run from June 13 - 16 at the UltraStar Mary Pickford Theater, the Cathedral City Town Square and other venues in the desert city between Palm Springs and Indio. The festival will include six world premiere films in a slate of more than 50, along with live shows, comedy, spoken word performances and art exhibits.

In keeping with Film 4 Change's mission to encourage social change through art, it will also showcase the work of the Boys and Girls Club of Cathedral City.

More information is available at


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What the smallest infectious agents reveal about evolution

May 23, 2013 ? Radically different viruses share genes and are likely to share ancestry, according to research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Virology Journal this week. The comprehensive phylogenomic analysis compares giant viruses that infect amoeba with tiny viruses known as virophages and to several groups of transposable elements. The complex network of evolutionary relationships the authors describe suggests that viruses evolved from non-viral mobile genetic elements and vice versa, on more than one occasion.

The recent discovery of virophages inside the giant viruses, which in turn infect amoeba, has led to speculation about their origin and their relationship to other viruses and small transposable genetic elements. To try to answer this question a research team including Eugene Koonin from the NIH and Didier Raoult from URMITE compared the genetic material from virophages, such as the Mavirus, Sputnik, or OLV (which was isolated from an Antarctic organic lake), to eukaryotic self replicating transposable elements known as Polintons or Mavericks.

Eugene Koonin explains: "Between the known virophages there are six conserved genes, arranged in a similar way. Five of these have counterparts in the Polintons, but their sequence and arrangement are sufficiently different to discount suggestions that Polintons evolved directly from a Maviruse-like ancestor. Rather our data suggests that Maviruses have evolved from a fusion between a Politon/Maverick-like transposable element and an unknown virus."

Including information about other viruses and virus-like elements: adenoviruses that infect animals and are one of the causes of the common cold; certain bacteriophages that infect bacteria; transpovirons which infect giant viruses; and a Tetrahymena transposable element (Tlr1), the virus "evolutionary tree" appears as a network of swapped genes.

Didier Raoult, whose team discovered the transpovirons, says: "It appears that viruses have evolved from non-viral genetic elements and vice versa on more than one occasion. Viral evolution is more complex than we thought."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BioMed Central Limited.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Natalya Yutin, Didier Raoult and Eugene V Koonin. Virophages, polintons, and transpovirons: a complex evolutionary network of diverse selfish genetic elements with different reproduction strategies. Virology Journal, 2013, 10:158 DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-10-158

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