Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Video: Sideshow: Alan Simpson wants you to read his damn report

>>> back to "hardball" now to the "sideshow." first david letterman brought on washington's birthday or president's day as a lot of people call it by showing us what happens when you send an abe lincoln look houst-alike to the streets of new york city. what you don't want to hear from a guy dressed like lincoln .

>> number ten.

>> how about you and i form a more perfect union?

>> number eight?

>> daniel day -lewis wishes he looked this good.

>> that's right. number seven.

>> is it true bloomberg outlawed hats over 16 ounces?

>> number five?

>> does the $5 bill make me look fat?

>> number four.

>> wow, i thought my clothing was outdated.

>> number two.

>> hey, where is my idiot son, abraham wmpl lincoln ?

>> and the number one thing you don't want to hear from a guy dressed as abraham lincoln .

>> hey, jackass, are you going to thank me for the day off?

>> i say number two takes the cake. where is w.?

>>> as we talked about earlier we're down to the wire when it comes to avoiding big chops in government spending so alan simpson wants to know why the deficit reduction plan he put together with erskine bowles wasn't carried out.

>> i say to people before you, you know, begin to drool at the mouth and go crazy and scratch our eyeballs out, read the damn report. people say, what are you doing to the vulnerable? i say read it. we don't do anything to people on ssi. we don't do anything with food stamp . we don't do anything with people on unemployment. get your -- use your bean instead of listening to crap all day long from the right and the left.

>> that's actually pretty tame compared to some other things he said about the folks involved in deficit reduction talks.

>> if you have -- if you're a politician and get up and say i know we're going to get this done, get rid of all earmarks, all waste fraud and abuse, all foreign aid , air force one, all kngsal pensions, that's a sparrow belch in the midst of a typhoon. quit the phoniness, a lot of blood hair and eyeballs have to lay on the floor. quit the hypocrisy. quit the disgust. quit embarrassing america. this is a suicide mission . we'll get it from all sides, the right, the left. everybody knows you don't like each other and you're trying to pretend you do. give up the pettiness. go see the movie lincoln .

>> go see the movie lincoln . that last bit of advice makes sense. before you can do something grand you need to know what grand looks like. i think simpson is playing an important part in pointing to what's possible in dealing with the debt crisis.

>>> up next, former south carolina governor mark sanford is back. he fell hard after being caught having an extramarital affair. now he's seeking the daddy of all political comebacks. he's running for the congress, and that's ahead, and you're watching "hardball," the place for politics.


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