Thursday, April 11, 2013

California Considers Mandated Insurance for 'Gay Infertility' - Townhall

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For decades, members of the left have insisted that the right is fighting a war on science. But when it comes to the issues of abortion and homosexuality, it is the left that fights a consistent and ridiculous war with reality.

This week, Wesley Smith of the Weekly Standard reported that California would be considering AB 460, a bill that would mandate group insurance coverage for so-called gay and lesbian "infertility." What in the world does that bizarre phrase mean? It doesn't mean situations in which two members of a lesbian couple are both infertile and incapable of conception using some third party's sperm. It doesn't mean situations in which two gay men are both infertile and incapable of impregnating a surrogate mother. It means situations in which gay or lesbian couples can't make a baby by having sex with each other.

In other words, every single gay and lesbian couple on the planet.

The way the law works, gay and lesbian couples would simply have to testify that they have been having sex for a year without producing a child to be considered "infertile," which is idiotic, since baby-making requires necessary components missing in homosexual activity. But nature is irrelevant here. Even though both men and women were, to borrow Lady Gaga's phrase, "born this way," political correctness trumps nature.

Meanwhile, the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell continued in Philadelphia. Gosnell has been charged with seven counts of first-degree murder for killing children outside the womb. The testimony is a parade of horrors. One of his workers testified that in the clinic, it was "standard procedure" to cut the spines of babies delivered before an abortion could be performed inside the woman's body. She also testified that during one murder, the arm of a baby jumped. "I only do what I'm told," she said. "What I was told to do was snip their neck." Another worker described a child screaming as it was murdered.

The mainstream media has largely ignored the Gosnell story, aware that Gosnell's post-birth murders are separated from the left's beloved abortions only by a birth canal. As one of Gosnell's workers testified, the workers termed all the babies "specimens" for purposes of creating emotional distance.


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