Thursday, April 4, 2013

OpEdNews - Article: National Internet Tax Mandate Is In Place To ...

?by: Lance Johnson

The idea of a national internet tax mandate has been voted on in the United States Senate. Dubbed the "Marketplace Fairness Act," this piece of legislation, if implemented, would stifle entrepreneurs from the online marketplace, enrich large companies, and bloat state governments.?

This law would force online businesses to become tax collectors, raising the cost of their products, bringing higher prices to consumers. This power grab, recently voted on in the The U.S. Senate, was validated with an overwhelming 75-to-24 vote!

Corporations have found a way to muffle small business once again
Large retailers like Walmart, Best Buy, Home Depot, and Target have lobbied for this tax. It is no surprise that some of the nation's most powerful corporations are lobbying hard for this legislation. While these companies can afford to absorb the additional burden imposed by this bill, smaller competitors cannot. For example, if a customer in New York makes a purchase from an online retailer in Texas, that retailer must collect New York's exorbitant sales taxes and send it to New York's tax collection agencies.

This law would also allow tax collectors in one state the ability to pursue retailers across state lines, swallowing entrepreneurs in a new wave of tax record keeping and red tape.

This controlling law would even allow big government to tax businesses operating in states that don't require a sales tax.

All in all, corporations will have found another way to dominate, as big government backs them in over-taxing and over-regulating the go-getter, avid entrepreneur out of the marketplace.

Internet tax violates the U.S. Constitution's Commerce Clause

This internet tax mandate violates the U.S. Constitution's Commerce Clause, which guarantees free trade among the states. With the Constitution turned on its head, this tax?mandate?would allow states to levy new taxes on goods crossing into their state via online purchases. Since the United States has thousands of tax jurisdictions within various states, counties, townships, cities, and villages, an?internet tax?would conflict with several different filing requirements, tax reporting forms, and procedures. This law would create a bureaucratic nightmare scenario that would implode on itself.

The United Nations could step in

This is where the United Nations could step in. Just a few months ago, the U.N. drafted a new "Telecommunications Treaty" to impose restrictive regulations, global censorship, and a massive new?tax?on all Internet operations.

If ratified by the United States Senate, the United Nations' "Telecommunications Treaty" would give control of the Internet to U.N. bureaucrats.

In the end, the U.N. could implement this treaty to steal from the trillions of dollars of online internet commerce. This would crown them as a true world government.

"National security" wants to track your every online move

As order is established across the land, establishment bureaucrats claim they support "national security," as they look for new ways to trace, track, and register all Americans' online activity. This includes not only what people read online, what they post on Facebook, or what videos they watch. "National security" wants to track a person's online purchases as well, taxing them many times along the way.

As more control is established, big government stops at nothing to see its citizens choke up more of their hard earned cash, bow at the oppressive hands of irresponsible government, and strangle in tax regulations that could even penetrate the World Wide Web. Controlling bureaucrats think they can control cyberspace now. That's what they think.

A free country thinks differently.

Think differently by signing a petition to stop this.

Sources for this article include

About the author:
Lance Johnson, along with his wonderful wife Kender, are creating a natural products movement from the ground up: Free Spirit All Natural Products. As more hearts are pulling toward natural solutions in a world of toxins and propaganda, Lance wants to help others see the real health opportunities all around us.


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